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Welcome to the Telford & Wrekin Children's Services Procedures Manual

This is the procedures manual for Telford & Wrekin Children Services.

Note: Telford and Wrekin are focused on the importance of the use of language especially with our partners and the children, young people and families that we work alongside. We have generated our own language guide in line with our work within the Family Safeguarding Model. If you are a practitioner, you can access this on the internal resource bank or contact the principle social worker for more information.

Contents - contains the main policies and procedures that ensures we comply with the law and statutory guidance.

Telford Practice Guidance - is maintained by Telford & Wrekin Children Services. It contains a range of resources including forms, local information and additional local guidance.

If you have a resource which you think should be added to the Telford Practice Guidance speak to your manager in the first instance. The Telford Practice Guidance can be accessed from the menu bar at the top of the manual and from the home page.

The Regional Child Protection Procedures for West Midlands can be accessed from the menu at the top of the home page and should be read alongside this manual as they will contain the guidance on a range of topics including CSE, Missing, FGM. It is important that you read these procedures too as they contain guidance to support you in the assessment process and in working with other agencies where there are child protection concerns.

Foster Carers Handbook – this contains the guidance for our Foster Carers and is used by our Fostering Service to support Foster Carers in their role and support them in meeting their Induction Standards

There is also a section in the manual - Telford & Wrekin Social Work Learning Resource which contains links to Information and Resources to help you in your role.

To report any issues or suggest improvements to the procedures or Telford Practice Guidance, please contact the Hub Project Team (

Please see the 'Using this Manual' for details about the way this manual works and click here to register for updates now.

We are developing a Sharepoint area for wider reading for Practitioners which will be coming soon.

The content of this website can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form, on a temporary basis, for personal study or reference purposes. However any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of tri.x and Telford and Wrekin Borough Council.